Manuela Fernandez
At IGD until 2015

I have a degree in political science from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and subsequently completed a Master in Urban Geography at the University of Lausanne UNIL (Switzerland). Following these studies, the Faculty of Geosciences of the UNIL granted me funding to do PhD research on risk in Guatemala. I have spent a total of six months in my study area and I have been able to identify territorial vulnerabilities, the main socio-economic aspects and principal risk actors. I have also mapped - using GIS - local risk perceptions and native prevention measures to better understand the Maya conception and local response.

In summer( 2011), I was invited to participate in the practical phase of a course on Integrated Risk and Disaster, chaired by the professor Omar Dario Cardona and organized by CIMNE, Spain and IDEA, Colombia. These experiences have allowed me to develop a good knowledge of institutions, actors, public policies and models of public management in Latin America and Europe and to establish an important networking with risks professionals

Curriculum vitae