Mémoires de la Faculté des Géosciences et de l'Environnement

Cote: 1059
Auteur: LÜSCHER Tim
Année: Septembre 2017
Titre: Urban Planning as a tool for public health: improving walkability to solve obesity-related issues
Sous la direction de: Prof. Antonio Da Cunha
Type: Mémoire de master en géographie
Pages: 113
Complément: 27 pages d'annexes paginées
Mots-clés: Urban planning / Public health / Obesity / Walkability
Résumé: Public health costs have risen steadily in recent years, particularly as a result of obesity-related diseases and issues. Political and urban solutions are put in place to promote healthy cities. Walking as a mean of transport or leisure has the potential to increase the daily physical activity of city dwellers and in turn, to positively influence the obesity-related issues. The objectives of this study were to understand what influences walkability and how it can be improved in a specific field of study. In order to develop walkable cities and neighbourhoods, the routes that represent a real potential in terms of physical activity and number of users were identified and targeted. The defects and advantages of the selected routes along with the possible improvements were inspired by personal analyses by the author and by the subjects’ answers to constructed pedestrians’ surveys. Results showed that walkability was differently perceived according to each pedestrian, but general issues could be observed. In order to improve walkability, many different factors and features have to be addressed. Since walkability and obesity-related issues are a complex and multifactorial phenomenon, the concluding goal was to find suggestions to follow for modern urban planning.