Mémoires de la Faculté des Géosciences et de l'Environnement

Cote: 1199
Auteur: MARILLER Manon
Année: Janvier 2021
Titre: The rocky emergence of a women's movement in post-2011 Myanmar: a study of women-focused associations in Yangon
Sous la direction de: Prof. René Véron et Prof. Miriam Tola
Type: Mémoire de master en géographie
Pages: 86
Complément: 7 pages d'annexes paginées (grilles d'entretien et codes)
Mots-clés: Civil society / militarized regime / women and development / gender and development / women-focused associations / social movements / women's movements / decolonial approach / positionality / Yangon / Myanmar
Résumé: This thesis analyzes the extent to which a sample of Yangon-based women-focused associations navigate a patriarchal and militarized environment since the 2011 elections. It is based on 26 interviews conducted in Yangon between January and March 2020, as well as on a literature review and a theoretical framework covering themes such as civil society under authoritarian regimes, the treatment of gender issues by the development agenda, and the emergence of social movements. It is indeed interesting to ask how women-focused associations navigate the Burmese political context, where limitations weigh on both civil society and women. The result is the still fledgling emergence of a women's movement that remains little studied. While seeking to adopt a decolonial approach, this study also examines the parallels and contradictions between the interviewed associations' ideology and the major trends in the development agenda about gender. Given the undeniable role of social media in social movements' visibility worldwide, this aspect is also discussed.