Mémoires de la Faculté des Géosciences et de l'Environnement

Cote: 997
Auteur: BUCHMANN Marco
Année: Janvier 2016
Titre: Geomorphological heritage in the Moesano region: geomorphosites inventory and management suggestions for landscape protection and valorization
Sous la direction de: Prof. Emmanuel Reynard et Dr Cristian Scapozza
Type: Mémoire de master en géographie
Pages: 138
Complément: 169 pages d'annexes (en partie paginées et en parties fiches d'inventaire)
Mots-clés: Geoheritage / geomorphosites / landscape valorization / nature protection
Résumé: This Master Thesis consists in the realization of a geomorphosites (geomorphological geosites) inventory for the Moesano region (Valle Mesolcina and Val Calanca), which is situated in the SE part of the Grigioni canton in Switzerland and which is partly included in the perimeter of the National Park candidate – Parc Adula. The inventory has been carried out applying the method recently developed by the Institute of geography and sustainability of the University of Lausanne (IGD). The thesis made it possible to appreciate the benefits, but also the limitations and difficulties of this method, thus suggesting some improvements. The applied method permitted to highlight the geomorphological heritage of the study region, through the selection and assessment of 35 geomorphosites. This created a scientific basis that was used as a starting point to suggest management strategies, which included both protection and valorization measures. Within the scope of the work, the apparent paradox between nature protection and landscape valorization was also dealt with, by promoting an integrative approach based on educational purposes. The finding is that the abiotical part of the natural heritage is neglected compared to the biological and the cultural heritage as well as not well known by society and by the actors having an influence on territorial development. One of the objectives of the suggested measures is therefore also to show its importance by granting more consideration to it and by valorizing the existing links between the different nature and human spheres. The geoheritage approach is so used to promote geosciences to a broader public, but also to promote a sustainable development of the studied region, which presents a great territorial richness on a cultural and natural level.