Anna Katharina Keil
Junior lecturer

University of Lausanne
Institute of geography and sustainability
Mouline - Géopolis 3232
CH-1015 Lausanne
Phone +41 21 692 3556

A. Katharina Keil

A. Katharina Keil is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Geography and Sustainability at the University of Lausanne. She works as an assistante diplômée under the supervision of Prof. Julia Steinberger. Katharina holds a BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences from University College Maastricht and a MSc in Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy from the Vienna University for Business and Economics. Her primary interest lies in understanding systemic barriers to socially and ecologically sustainable production and levers to overcoming those. In her PhD research, she explores this topic by way of analyzing the German automobile industry from the perspective of Marxist Political Economy integrating key insights from ecological economics and sustainable work.

Curriculum vitae