Andrea Mathez
Graduate assistant - doctoral fellow

University of Lausanne
Institute of geography and sustainability
Mouline - Géopolis 3552
CH-1015 Lausanne
Phone +41 21 692 3571


Great questions of contemporary geography (Prof. Christian Kull, Masters) (Master, 2021, 2023)

Teaching assistant

Political ecology (Prof. Christian Kull) (Bachelor, 2022 -)

Teaching assistant

Field research training (Prof. Christian Kull & Prof. Leïla Kebir) (Master, 2021, 2023)

Teaching assistant

Preparation class for the Bachelor thesis (Senior lecturer Joëlle Salomon Cavin) (Bachelor, 2021, 2023)

Teaching assistant

Surviving your PhD: the body - the great forgotten (PhD, 2023)

Residential workshop, designed, organised and co-animated for the Doctoral Programme in Geography from CUSO (Western-Swiss University Conference) (2023)

Environmental management and livelihoods (Resources, People, and Power), (Prof. Christian Kull) (Master, 2021, 2023 -)

Teaching assistant

Issues in geography and the environment: methodological approaches (Bachelor, 2024)

Teaching Assistant