Leila Chakroun
PhD in environmental sciences
At IGD until 2022

PhD in environmental sciences

Leila Chakroun received her PhD in environmental sciences in 2023, with a thesis entitled "In quest of other milieus. Permaculture through the lens of mesology in Switzerland and Japan".

After a year's post-doctoral research at the University of Reims Champagne Ardennes (Laboratoire Habiter), she is currently a research associate at Ladyss (Laboratoire Dynamiques sociales et Recomposition des Espaces), working on the themes of Atelier 6: 'Spatialités des vivants, du geste intime au façonnage des milieux'. She is currently specialising in ecosomatics and multi-species landscapes, and is involved in a number of art-science collaborations in Switzerland and France.

Her current research and recent publications are available at https://www.ladyss.com/membres/leila-chakroun