Institute of Geography and Sustainability of the University of Lausanne
Research projects

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SIRIUS : Swiss Indian Research program on the globalization of the Indian Urban Systems

Research fields Urban matters
City and economy
Villes et globalisation
Spécialisations / diversifications
Corporate networks
Keywords Agglomeration economies
Indigenous people
Funding Swiss Indian Research program
Duration January 2017 - July 2017
Website https://wp.unil.ch/citadyne-news/sirius-project/
Researchers Rozenblat Céline (Project coordinator) [email]
Swerts Elfie (Project coordinator)

The SIRIUS project aims at understanding the multi-scalar factors driving the process of innovation spill over in Indian industrial clusters in comparison to other parts of the World (Nelson & Nelson, 2002; Bathelt & Glückler, 2011). We addressed this issue by combining an analysis of local embeddedness of industrial clusters and their interactions with global networks of multinational firms and co-patenting in which these clusters are inserted in relation with urban systems properties.

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