Institute of Geography and Sustainability of the University of Lausanne
Research projects

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Energy transition (SWICE)

Research fields Urban matters
Keywords Transport mobility
Energy transition
Urban planning
Funding Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Duration October 2022 - October 2028
Researchers Rérat Patrick (Supervision) [email]
Hostettler Macias Laura (Research Advisory) [email]

The SWICE (Sustainable Wellbeing for the Individual and the Collectivity in the Energy Transition) consortium has received funding from the Swiss Federal Office of Energy. The project aims to identify and quantify the energy saving potential and quality of life improvement opportunities that may emerge from different scenarios of urban evolution involving new lifestyles, new forms of work, changes in leisure and mobility behaviours.
Module 6, with which OUVEMA is associated, is under the aegis of Prof. T. Ohnmacht (HSLU). The social processes of flexibilisation and digitalisation, accelerated by the pandemic, have blurred the spatial and temporal boundaries between life and work. These dynamics have an impact on energy consumption in the mobility sector (avoiding travel, reducing travel distances, shifting travel to off-peak hours and to other modes of transport) and in the building sector (more space for home offices, less in office buildings). The project will set up a longitudinal (quasi-)experimental panel to assess the energy reduction potential of different interventions in neighbourhoods acting as living labs.

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