Institute of Geography and Sustainability of the University of Lausanne
Research projects

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Social and economic analysis of the Gated communities in Moscow (Russia)

Research fields Urban matters

Ville et lien social
Analyse et prospective territoriale
Keywords Urbanization
Institutional management
Funding Helvetic Confederation, Russian Federation
Duration September 2010 - Juin 2012
Website http://espacepolitique.revues.org/index2385.html
Researchers Mager Christophe (Project co-coordinator) [web] [email]
Matthey Laurent (Project co-coordinator)
Zotova Maria (Scientific collaborator)

In Russia, the spread of gated communities is commonly exploited for real estate promotion and management targeted at specific populations. Following a visit in 2010 to Russia by Swiss partners involved in the project aimed at explaining their expectations and the implications of the research project, several stays until 2012 in Switzerland by Russian researchers will let researchers and students affiliated with the Swiss departments and institutes involved in the project have access to the major conclusions of the Russian scientific literature end help answer the following questions: - How should changes in the security policies of land management be understood? - How should the economic impact of residential segregation be analyzed? - How should the spread of this way of living be interpreted? Maria Zotova, of the Academy of Sciences of Russia, led the research in Moscow.


Urban residential segregations: comparative approach of the social, economic and environmental causes and consequences of the gated communities
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