Mountain COMmons : questioning past and present Commons to address territorial development issues in MOUNTain areas (ComMount) In the context of global change, mountains are facing important economic, social and environmental issues. Contempora... | 2023-2027 | |
Digital skills and cross-domain entrepreneurship for societal challenges - Cooperation partnerships in higher education | ERASMUS+ 2021-2023 Project objectives The project has set out three principal objectives: (i) to cultivate innova... | 2021-2023 | |
Ethnography of the Rearrangements of Sensitive, Ritualized and Aesthetic Relationships with the High Alpine Mountains As a result of global warming, glaciers retreat is accelerating and rocks collapses are multiplying in the high mount... | 2021-2022 | |
Winter sports resorts and climate change. An understanding of obsolescence processes, using environmental history methods The research studies the trajectory of winter sports resorts built at high altitudes, with a particular interest in t... | 2021-2024 | |
Revisiting the commons in the light of current and future territorial challenges (COMETE) The objective of the COMETE project (Les COMmuns à l'aune des Enjeux TErritoriaux actuels et futurs) is to bring tog... | 2021-2022 | |
Multifunctionality of Alpine hydropower infrastructures The project "Multifunctionality of Alpine hydropower infrastructures" was launched in October 2020, as a post... | 2020-2025 | |
ValPar.CH – Values of the ecological infrastructure in Swiss parks Commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the interdisciplinary research team in charge of... | 2020-2024 | |
Diversifying the purposes of dam reservoirs? Understanding the emergence and implementation of dam reservoirs' "multifunctionality" in Switzerland Since September 2020, we have been developing a research project on the diversification of the purposes of dam reserv... | 2020-2023 | |
Acclimatization in the urban and territorial project: anticipating the freshness grid in a context of climate change. The case of the Rhone Valley project This research project is devoted to the theme of acclimatization in the urban and territorial project in t... | 2020-2020 | |
Mountain commons in the face of global change: analysing the past to understand present changes (MOUN) In recent years, new self-managed collective structures have developed in mountain areas around the preservation or d... | 2020-2021 | |
Geomorphological landscapes as a tourist resource Geomorphological landscapes - witnesses of the history and evolution of the surface of our planet, e... | 2019-2024 | |
FluidGov - Towards a “fluid” governance: hydrosocial analysis of flood paradigms and management practices in Rhone and Ganges basins (India, France and Switzerland) Floods are land-use- and climate-related hazards posing important environmental, social and economic challenges. They... | 2019-2023 | |
More... | 2018-2020 | |
More... | 2018-2018 | |
Assessing Jessour in South-East Tunisia This research project is led in partnership with the "Laboratoire de Cartographie Géomorphologique des Milieux, des ... | 2016 > | |
Who governs water-related risks in large metropolis? Characterizing governance patterns of drought in Sao Paulo. Since the 1970s, Sao Paulo Metropolis experienced several water shortage episodes. Regional measures were taken regardin... More... | 2016-2016 | |
IES - Indicators and rivers' health situation Periodic water stress in the rivers of the canton of Vaud during the summer season questions their ecological state and ... More... | 2015-2016 | |
Water uses monitoring in alpine territories In Alpine regions, water resources data are more and more commonly created and monitored. However, direct, quantitati... | 2013-2018 | |
ICCARE-Vaud - Impacts of climatic and anthropogenic changes on the water resources of the Vaud canton [2013-2014] The aim of this project is to assess the complex relationships between climate, anthropogenic pressures and water resour... More... | 2013-2014 | |
Integrated Water Resources Management in Switzerland: A Reflexive Analysis More... | 2013-2014 | |
ESPPACE project: Evaluation and monitoring for participatory processes in river management The success of a river management project is assessed with the achievement of pre-established objectives; they include s... More... | 2013-2016 | |
Integrated Water Resources Management in federal countries The aim of this research is to understand how the Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) is implemented in federal ... More... | 2012-2017 | |
Cartography and process geomorphology of torrential systems of Hérens Valley (Suisse) Within the framework of a convention with the Fondation pour la Maison des Alpes and the Commune of Evolène, the Instit... More... | 2010-2013 | |
MontanAqua – Approaching water stress in the Alps. Water management options in the Crans-Montana-Sierre Region (Valais) The project MontanAqua is carried out within the framework of the National research program NRP 61 "Sustainable water ma... More... | 2010-2013 | |
Maps to fight floods. Method developed in Morocco This PhD thesis is part of the project "Flood risk management in two Moroccan watersheds: Fez and Beni Mellal" and focus... More... | 2009-2013 | |
Hydrogeomorphology and palaeoenvironment in the upstream of Lake Geneva Rhône River valley Contrairement au tronçon français, les paléoenvironnements de la vallée du Rhône à l'amont du lac Léman sont e... | 2009 > | |
Flood risk management in two Moroccan watersheds: Fès and Beni Mellal The project concerns two Moroccan watersheds in urbanised areas: Fès and Beni Mellal. The research is carried out throu... More... | 2009-2013 | |
Glacial heritage of Chablais region Within the framework of Interreg IVa project "1, 2, 3 Chablais", the Institute of Geography of Lausanne University carri... More... | 2009-2012 | |
Artificial snowmaking and water resources in mid-altitude mountain areas. The case of Chablais (France, Switzerland) Artificial snowmaking has rapidly developed during the last years in the Alps. The production of artificial snow necessi... More... | 2008-2012 | |
Distribution and structure of permafrost in alpine talus slopes According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Earth's temperatures should increase from 1.8°C to 4... | 2008-2011 | |
Geotourist promotion of Tsanfleuron-Sanetsch region This project aimed at developing several geotourist products for the promotion of Tsanfleuron glacio-karstic area (Valai... More... | 2007-2008 | |
Evolution of the wineyard landscapes in Valais Study of the evolution of vineyards in Valais between 1880 and 2006 from historical map analysis. |