Silvia Wojczewski
À l'IGD jusqu'en 2021

Présentations scientifiques 2016 -


"Kinning through diasporic travel – Mobility and coming of age for young Germans of African descent". EASA biannual conference Panel 144: New horizons: second generation perspectives on experiences of migration. Lisbon, Portugal, 24 July (online).


"Imaginaries of migration and work in the process of fashioning a diasporic self". EASA Anthromob workshop. PANEL 2: Mobility, education and work in the making of a desirable self. Barcelona, Spain, November 7.


"An intergenerational dialogue on diaspora and home". Roundtable: Families and children on the move. Neuchâtel Graduate Conference of Migration and Mobility Studies, September 12.


"Family affairs – an intergenerational dialogue on African diaspora in a German city". Panel: People of African Descent: sociabilities, representations, and sociopolitical and cultural dynamics - Sessão 1: Identidades Plurais: enunciações afrodescendentes. Lisbon, Portugal, July 6.


"A family trip to Ghana: Negotiating privilege, kinship and care in international travel". CUSO doctoral workshop Anthropological encounters with tourism. Monte Verità, Ticino, Switzerland, May 13-14.


"Mobility as social norm: Travel, homeliness and community among two Afro-feminist performers". Panel: Creating locality in mobile times. EASA European Anthropology Association. Stockholm, Sweden, August 17.


« Note de terrain sur la distance analytique ». CUSO doctoral workshop sociologie, Observer & (d-)écrire: mener une enquête ethnographique Module sur la pratique ethnographique avec Prof. Gary A. Fine. Lausanne, Switzerland. Juin 1.


"Afro-German, Afro-pean, Afro-politan – Wayfindings to a diasporic identity". Conference: Transnational Perspectives on Black Germany. Black German heritage and research association. University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada, May 23-25.


« Faire partie d'un life-world : l'observation participative est-elle une méthode phénoménologique ?». Seminar: "L'approche phénoménologique dans la recherche en sciences sociales et humaines". Co-organizer of doctoral seminar with Ellina Mourtazina, Diane Linder, Gérald Hess, Nathalie Depraz. Lausanne, Switzerland. February 9.


"Becoming Black German – Imagining new ways of being through travel and tourism". Panel 8: "Afroeuropean modes of self-definition: Blackness, Africanness, and Europeanness in the making." Biennial Afroeuropeans 2017 conference. Tampere, Finland. July 7.


"Black Germans on tour – travel and the negotiation of identities". Session 2 'Multilocality, tourism and travel'. Swiss Mobility Conference Université de Lausanne, Switzerland. June 29.


"Black bodies - Travel and the challenge for identity". Workshop: Walking-home. Exploring experience and knowledge of place and motion. SIEF 2017. International Society for Ethnology and Folklore. Göttingen, Germany. March 27.


"Voyage, nation, identité". Journée des doctorant-e-s. Institut de géographie et durabilité. Université de Lausanne, Suisse. November 18.


"Transnational family makings of African migrant health workers". EASA – European Association of Social Anthropology. Biennale Conference. University of Milan. July 21.


"Tourism futures". Co-authors: Hürlemann S, Savioz A. Lancaster Summit. Institute of Geography and Sustainability. Université de Lausanne. June 9.


"Traveling home: Migrant health workers links to their home countries". APA – Congress of the Portuguese Anthropological Association. Universidad de Coimbra. June 4.