Institute of Geography and Sustainability of the University of Lausanne
Research projects

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Active mobility & health

Research fields Urban matters
Transport and sustainable mobility
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Keywords Geography of mobilities
Sustainable mobility
Funding Bureau de coordination pour la mobilité durable (COMO), Swiss confederation
Duration January 2017 - December 2019
Website https://mobilite-sante.ch/
Researchers Rérat Patrick (Principal Investigator) [email]
Baehler Daniel (Scientific collaborator) [web] [email]

Land-use planning and planning of transportation networks can influence behaviours with regard to physical activity. In an era characterised by sedentary behaviours and an increase in chronic diseases, promotion of daily physical activity in order to maintain and strengthen the population's health is a major challenge. Pedestrian and cycling infrastructures as well as public spaces should be conceived in a way that encourages the choice of walking or cycling for daily movements. To this end, environments supporting active mobility must become an important focus of land-use planning policies. Although the links between these two disciplinary fields are known, they are rarely emphasized. This pilot project aims at harnessing the potential for collaboration between professionals of land-use planning, transport, and health promotion. The project unites the following organizations: Fondation Suisse de Cardiologie, CardioVasc Suisse, Mobilité piétonne Suisse, Rue de l'Avenir, PRO VELO Suisse, Pro Juventute, Public Health Services, idée sport, Swiss Cycling, Hochschule Luzern – Kompetenzzentrum Mobilität, Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil – Institut für Raumentwicklung, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz – Institut für Soziale Arbeit und Gesundheit, Université de Lausanne – Institut de géographie et durabilité, Kanton St. Gallen.