Institut de géographie et durabilité de l'Université de Lausanne
Projets de recherche

Nouvelle recherche

LOGIICCS : Likelihood of Orientations of the Global Integration of Indian and Chinese Cities' Systems

Domaines de recherche Mondes urbains
Analyse des systèmes urbains
Ville et économie
Analyse de graphes
Villes et globalisation
Spécialisations / diversifications
Réseaux d'entreprises
Mot-clefs Clustering
Financement Supported by FNS 2015-2018
Durée Août 2015 - juillet 2018
Site Web https://wp.unil.ch/citadyne-news/logiiccs-fns/
Chercheuses / Chercheurs Rozenblat Céline (Coordinateur·trice du projet) [email]
Swerts Elfie (Coordinateur·trice du projet)

Chinese and Indian growth in term of demography and economic development was the most explosive in the world at the end of the 20th century. This rapid growth not only affects their proper territories and economies, but as well through economic networks, it transforms directly and indirectly the whole world urban and economic systems. Thus, increasing knowledge about the possible futures of these two urban systems and developing a better understanding of the conditions for a more balanced urban development, are a major issue for all the cities and territories of the world. The aim of this research is to assess the dynamic peculiarities of Chinese and Indian urbanization during the last four decades in order to develop different scenarios in simulation models that will explore their possible future developments and changing positions in the world system. Starting in a first step to consolidate urban standardized databases, the work program enables to specify in a second step, the originality of the urban processes and the structure and dynamics of systems of cities in these two countries, through a rigorous comparison of urban growth and socio-economic profiles trajectories with the insertion of each city inside economic and innovative global networks built by multinational firms and collaborations for patents. The evolution trends observed at different points in time since the 1960s will be analyzed from a solid theoretical background on urban system dynamics. This will serve as a benchmark to assess the potential changes brought by the recent enlarged integration in the globalization due to the development of multinational networks. Because of the availability of information, we shall analyze these evolutions of multinational firms' networks and patents collaborations between 2000 and 2016 (including 3 intermediary dates). In a third step, generic and adapted simulation models will be designed to evaluate the possible consequences of Chinese and Indian cities' participation to global systems on the future trends of their own development in the whole worldwide urban system.