Leïla Kebir is Associate Professor in tourism and territorial economy at Unil since 2018.
She graduated from the University of Geneva with a degree in economics in 1993, followed by a DES in management and public policy analysis in 1996. She continued with a PhD in economics at the University of Neuchâtel, and in 2004 she defended a thesis entitled "Resource and development: an institutional and territorial approach".
Previously working the Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris/Lab'Urba, she has been working for more than ten years on the issue of regional and territorial development. More particularly, she is interested in the conditions of its deployment in the context of globalisation and, more recently, ecological transition. Her research is structured around theoretical and empirical work adopting two complementary approaches: one on the processes of creation and evolution and the development of territorial resources, and the other on the organisation of production and innovation activities and their role in the development processes of territories. Leïla Kebir has been developing for some time a new research axis in the innovative field of the analysis of urban and territorial common goods.
Keywords : territorial development, innovative milieu, tourism, resources, territorial resources, ecological transition, commons