Mountain COMmons : questioning past and present Commons to address territorial development issues in MOUNTain areas (ComMount) In the context of global change, mountains are facing important economic, social and environmental issues. Contempora... | 2023-2027 | |
Vulnerability and adaptation of summer ski destinations in Valais Summer skiing is an economic activity in Valais that is threatened by the melting of glaciers due to global warming. ... | 2023-2023 | |
Second homes: what changes in practices following the COVID-19 crisis? The years 2020 and 2021 were hit by the COVID-19 health crisis. This crisis has had many economic and societal impact... | 2022-2023 | |
Transformation of glacier tourism in the face of climate change Climate change is leading to a strong glacial retreat in the mountains. In this context, this project aims to underst... | 2022-2025 | |
The evolution of recreational alpinism in a changing climate Climate change is leading to a rapid evolution of the high mountains, changing the practices that take place there. A... | 2022-2025 | |
Perception of climate and carbon risks among tourism stakeholders in Valais Tourism is both affected by and contributes to climate change. As a result, tourism stakeholders need to adapt to the... | 2022-2025 | |
Digital skills and cross-domain entrepreneurship for societal challenges - Cooperation partnerships in higher education | ERASMUS+ 2021-2023 Project objectives The project has set out three principal objectives: (i) to cultivate innova... | 2021-2023 | |
Winter sports resorts and climate change. An understanding of obsolescence processes, using environmental history methods The research studies the trajectory of winter sports resorts built at high altitudes, with a particular interest in t... | 2021-2024 | |
Secondary residences: practices of residents and strategies of destinations in Valais As an integral part of the tourism and residential system, second homes directly question the future of Alpine territ... | 2021 > | |
Revisiting the commons in the light of current and future territorial challenges (COMETE) The objective of the COMETE project (Les COMmuns à l'aune des Enjeux TErritoriaux actuels et futurs) is to bring tog... | 2021-2022 | |
Mountain commons in the face of global change: analysing the past to understand present changes (MOUN) In recent years, new self-managed collective structures have developed in mountain areas around the preservation or d... | 2020-2021 | |
Inventory of wine tourism in Valais The aim of this project is to make an inventory of wine tourism offers in the Valais. It seeks to analyse and underst... | 2020 > | |
Mountains in transition(s) As climate change and environmental issues become more pressing, mountain areas are particularly vulnerable: faster t... | 2019 > | |
The role of commons in tourism and territorial development This research aims to highlight the different types of interrelations between (urban) commons, tourism and territoria... | 2019-2024 | |
Wine tourism and territorial development in Valais D. thesis under the supervision of Prof. Leïla Kebir, this research work aims to analyse the trajectory of the wine ... | 2019-2024 |