Institute of Geography and Sustainability of the University of Lausanne
Research projects

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MOOC - Online course - Healthy Urban systems

Research fields Urban matters
Geographical Information science
Keywords Complex systems
City systems
Funding UNIL + International contributions
Duration September 2020 - September 2027
Researchers Rozenblat Céline (Project coordinator) [email]
Y. El-Bastawissi Ibtihal (Project co-coordinator)
Jayasinghe Saroj (Project co-coordinator)
Harrer-Puchner Gabriele (Project co-coordinator)
Cavada Marianna (Project co-coordinator)
Luyet Stéphane (Project co-coordinator)

The MOOC Healthy Urban Systems is an action gathering numerous researchers and practitioners acting in the main worldwide institutions on Urban Heath:
- the International Science Council programme on Urban Health and Wellbeing (UHWB) and the Institute of Urban Environment (IUE)
- the Chinese Academy of Science in Xiamen, China
- the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH)
- the HUE (Healthy Urban Environments) Collaboratory.
- the World Health Organization (WHO), Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health (HQ/ECH)
It is coordinated and produced by UNIL (IGD-FGSE, E-learning service, Foundation of the life-long training UNIL-EPFL)

Work progression 2020-2021
2020: The first planned symposium was organized online from 2nd to 4th of September 2020:
It permitted to:
- Consolidate the 6 modules and to designate one coordinator by module
- Specify the role of WHO
- Define 6 Main messages
- Discuss the Pedagogic tools
- Consolidate the institutional framework

2021: The structure of modules were built and coordinated

6 modules' coordinators:
MODULE 1: Ibtihal El-Bastawissi, Beirut Arab University, Dean Architecture Faculty, Lebanon
MODULE 2: Céline Rozenblat, UNIL, Lausanne, Switzerland
MODULE 3: Saroj Jayasinghe, Consultant Physician, Colombo, Sri Lanka
MODULE 4: Gabriele Harrer-Puchner, CEO System Logics T.T. St. Gallen, Switzerland, Expert System Modeling & Tools, Technical University Munich, DE
MODULE 5: Marianna Cavada, Lecturer in Urban Design Policy, at Lancaster University
Scenario building for the smart agenda, United Kingdom
MODULE 6: Stephane Luyet, Researcher ASSURA insurance, Lausanne, Switzerland

WHO and ISUH offer their collaboration, materials and links with their actions, guidelines…. in every module

6 Main messages, leitmotiv all along the MOOC
1. Health is the pulse of the new urban agenda/Health must be included in all policies
2. Urban health must be approached as a complex system comprising multiple interacting dimensions (natural, social, psychological) and scales
3. It must be apprehended in a dynamic way & role of history
4. With a science-society strong collaboration / participation
5. Strategies for disease prevention
6. Encourage place-based policies in a multi-scale perspective

Targeted audience:
=> Practitioners: Urban planners (transport, housing), health development professionals, government officials, insurances, industrial/social clusters
=> life-long learners / Initial training for post-graduates

2022: Shooting, building, and online production

The MOOC will be available on COURSERA - It will be free of charge

For credits, agreements are in discussion

MOOCS's structure
Permanent link