Institute of Geography and Sustainability of the University of Lausanne
Research projects

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Reconstitution of fluvial landscapes of the Swiss Rhone river

Research fields Margins, environment, landscapes
Geomorphological mapping and landscape modelling
Keywords Geomorphology
Funding University of Lausanne
Duration November 2002 >
Researchers Reynard Emmanuel (Scientific collaborator)
Laigre Laetitia (Doctoral student)
Baud Dominique (Scientific collaborator)

Research on the palaeolandscpes of the Swiss Rhone river valley is carried out under the umbrella of the Association "Mémoires du Rhône". The association is active since 2002 and is organised as a network of researchers interested to the natural and human history of the Swiss Rhone river. Research carried out at the Institute of Geography concerns two domains: (1) cartographic analysis of landscape transformations; (2) reconstructions of geomorphological palaeoenvironments by a multi-method approach combining natural and human sciences approaches.

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Laigre, L., Arnaud-Fassetta, G. and Reynard, E. (2011). Cartographie sectorielle et dynamique de la plaine alluviale du Rhône suisse (Tourtemagne-Sierre) depuis la fin du Petit Age Glaciaire. In Lambiel, C., Reynard, E. et Scapozza, C., La géomorphologie alpine : entre patrimoine et contrainte. Actes du colloque de la Société Suisse de Géomorphologie, 3-5 septembre 2009, Olivone. : Institut de géographie, Université de Lausanne. 79-97 Info
Laigre, L., Arnaud-Fassetta, G. et Reynard, E. (2010). Cartographie sectorielle du paléoenvironnement de la plaine alluviale du Rhône suisse depuis la fin du Petit Age Glaciaire: la métamorphose fluviale de Viège à Rarogne et de Sierre à Sion. Bulletin de la Murithienne, 127: 7-17. Info
Stäuble, S., Martin, S. and Reynard, E. (2008). Historical mapping for landscape reconstruction. Examples from the Canton of Valais (Switzerland). In Mountain Mapping and Visualisation : 6th ICA Mountain Cartography Workshop, 11-15 feb. 2008, Lenk, Switzerland. : International Cartographic Association. 211-217 Info
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