Dominique Barjolle

University of Lausanne
Institute of geography and sustainability
Mouline - Géopolis 3531
CH-1015 Lausanne
Phone +41 21 692 3062

Sustainable food systems, Reslience, Innovations, True cost of food, Agroecology, Food and Health

My research themes are agriculture and food, within the concept of the food system. I consider the food system as a whole to be a socio-ecological system. It is made up of complex ecological and social factors that are heterogeneous in time and space and have non-linear mutual influences. Production, distribution and consumption from farm to fork are the productive units of the food system, which are influenced by the market, politics, society and the environment, at different spatial scales. The instability present in this socio-ecological system is essential to the emergence and spread of innovations. The theme of interactions between the food system and health is becoming increasingly important in current projects.
My current research projects are as follows:
Cost transparency in agri-food supply chains based on the Equal Profit model, in collaboration with the start-up Equal Profit.
True Cost of Food. Project financed by the SINERGIA fund of the Swiss National Research Foundation. This funding, with the support of E4S (UNIL-EPFL-IMD Entreprise pour la Société centre), will make it possible to tackle the monetisation of the hidden costs of the Swiss food system, with partners from UNIL (E4S-HEC, Faculty of Medicine-UNISANTE), EPFL and HEG-FR, in order to set up an interdisciplinary system to identify and evaluate the full costs of food and identify public policy and implementation solutions within the agricultural sectors.

Curriculum vitae