Institut de géographie et durabilité de l'Université de Lausanne
Projets de recherche

Nouvelle recherche

“Localising” Quinoa: Framing and Farming Quinoa in the Canton of Vaud.

Domaines de recherche Political ecologies
Mot-clefs Quinoa; knowledge production
Peasant studies
Political agronomy
Discourse analysis
Financement FINV (Fond d'investissment de la Faculté FGSE)
Durée Janvier 2019 - décembre 2019
Site Web
Chercheuses / Chercheurs Bétrisey Florence (Co-requérant·e du projet) [web] [email]
Boisvert Valérie (Co-requérant·e du projet) [email]
Aeby Alexandre (Collaborateur·trice scientifique)

The objective of this project is to gather information, identify actors, start establishing databases and set up scientific and institutional cooperation to develop research on quinoa cultivation in the canton of Vaud. This will provide us missing empirical basis to develop a complete and trans-disciplinary research proposal about the discursive legitimation and political configuration that allows this new "helvetisation" of quinoa (political economy/political ecology), as well as the implication on local farmers' representations and organization (sociology/anthropology) and ecological impact of quinoa on agro-ecosystems (agroecology).

Lien permanent