Institute of Geography and Sustainability of the University of Lausanne
Research projects

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City  Water management  Governance  Tourism  Cartography  Planning  Sustainable urbanism  Institutions  Public policy  Mobility

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Title Project duration
Sports for the planet? The sustainability of major sports events 2024-2028
From farm to fork and beyond: a systems approach to implementing food cost accounting in Switzerland (TRUE COST - CH) 2024-2027
IMPACT – Integrated Monitoring of PArasites in Changing EnvironmenTs 2024-2026
Rural communs and the ecological transition: from the mountains to the sea 2024-2026
Community hunting management and governance (G2C2) 2024-2025
Swallows and swifts as neighbours: participatory action research on human-bird cohabitation in the city of Lausanne 2024
The governance of tree planting and forest restoration: whose decisions, what norms, and what outcomes? 2023-2027
Mountain COMmons : questioning past and present Commons to address territorial development issues in MOUNTain areas (ComMount) 2023-2027
The forgotten conservationists: self-governance, adequate recognition and support of commons to achieve sustainability and nature conservation. PhD of Sergio Couto, co-supervised with José María Martín Civantos, Universidad de Granada, Spain. 2023-2027
Social resilience in the Sundarbans Delta: Eliciting Needs-based Grassroots Action through Cross-Group Engagement (ENGAGE) 2023-2026
"Au bon air des jardins". Climatic geohistory of urban parks and gardens (18th - 21st centuries), comparing Tours, Orléans and Lausanne 2023-2024
Economic transparency in the agricultural sector in Vaud 2023-2024
Resilience of farmers and breeders in the Entremont region of Valais 2023
Safous in the plane: Local issues in the globalization of new food chains in Central Africa 2023
Vulnerability and adaptation of summer ski destinations in Valais 2023
Thinking with the Global Easts 2022-2040
Energy transition (SWICE) 2022-2028
Territorialisation through site-specific art in outlying towns in Switzerland and Italy 2022-2027
Pratiques de consultations des peuples autochtones et communautés locales des aires protégées au Gabon dans le contexte de la convention sur la diversité biologique 2030 2022-2026
Transformation of waste management practices and policies in South Asia during and after the COVID-19 pandemic 2022-2026
Mountain huts as observatories of mountain governance in the Franco-Swiss Alps 2022-2025
NARRatives On restored Water 2022-2025
Perception of climate and carbon risks among tourism stakeholders in Valais 2022-2025
The evolution of recreational alpinism in a changing climate 2022-2025
Transformation of glacier tourism in the face of climate change 2022-2025
Fire regimes and ecosystem services in African biodiversity hotspots: can fire policies favoring climate change mitigation, biodiversity and local communities converge? 2022-2024
Case studies: distributing value equitably in Swiss food supply chains according to the Equal Profit model 2022-2023
For an urbanism of living habitat environments: MOBIUS MOrphologies environnementales, BIodiversité, projets UrbainS Lausanne, laboratory of interdisciplinary experiments 2022-2023
Second homes: what changes in practices following the COVID-19 crisis? 2022-2023
Sustainability on our plates 2022-2023
Urban Donut of Lausanne, for a governance of the ecological transition 2022-2023
Velo guide 2022-2023
Cross pesrpectives between Pro Natura and the agricultural world 2022
Milk kefir: discourse, knowledge and microbial diversity of a 'superfood' 2022
The role of second home owners in the governance of mountain resorts - A comparative analysis between the Swiss and French Alps 2021-2026
‘Alternative Agricultures' as Concrete Utopias Peasant Experiences, Experiments and Struggles in Switzerland and Morocco 2021-2026
Overtourism? Les villes comptent 2021-2025
Does teleworking lead to sustainable mobility practices? Knowing and overcoming space-time rebound effects 2021-2024
Winter sports resorts and climate change. An understanding of obsolescence processes, using environmental history methods 2021-2024
Digital skills and cross-domain entrepreneurship for societal challenges - Cooperation partnerships in higher education | ERASMUS+ 2021-2023 2021-2023
Indésirables? Undesirables. Unwanted animals in the city 2021-2023
People and forests: Evaluating the impact of historical human activity on the present-day floristic composition of tropical rainforest ecosystems in western Central Africa 2021-2023
Achieving SDG 14 in East Africa: a socio-ecological approach to understanding success and failure 2021-2022
Ethnography of the Rearrangements of Sensitive, Ritualized and Aesthetic Relationships with the High Alpine Mountains 2021-2022
Revisiting the commons in the light of current and future territorial challenges (COMETE) 2021-2022
The place of the bicycle in urban planning in Black Africa. Violence and marginalization of a tool for sustainable urbanisation in Cameroon 2021-2022
Urban acupuncture and transitional planning of public spaces 2021-2022
Humans locked in, animals at large: urban animality reconsidered and mediatised in times of Covid-19 pandemic 2021
WHO future urban agenda: Mapping and networking actions of stakeholders on urban health and lacks of actions 2021
Secondary residences: practices of residents and strategies of destinations in Valais 2021 >
MOOC - Online course - Healthy Urban systems 2020-2027
Multifunctionality of Alpine hydropower infrastructures 2020-2025
Cultural flagships: pathways, practices and politics of a global urban type 2020-2024
Making Sense of Segregation in Public Space 2020-2024
Planning urban areas for low environmental impact mobilities 2020-2024
Swiss regional nature parks as ecological infrastructure to maintain biodiversity and nature's contributions to people 2020-2024
ValPar.CH – Values of the ecological infrastructure in Swiss parks 2020-2024
Diversifying the purposes of dam reservoirs? Understanding the emergence and implementation of dam reservoirs' "multifunctionality" in Switzerland 2020-2023
Covid-19, Indigenous Peoples, Local communities and natural resource governance 2020-2022
Cycling safety on roads and intersections (SVI 2019/008) 2020-2022
Collective cyclist mobilisations in South America : Right to the city and mobility justice 2020-2021
From “route cantonale” to “passage paysage”: threading zero impact mobilities in Swiss metropolitan areas through landscape infrastructure 2020-2021
Microlandscapes in Western Lausanne 2020-2021
Mountain commons in the face of global change: analysing the past to understand present changes (MOUN) 2020-2021
Swiss in motion: analyzing and visualizing daily rhythms 2020-2021
Acclimatization in the urban and territorial project: anticipating the freshness grid in a context of climate change. The case of the Rhone Valley project 2020
Cycling among young people in French-speaking Switzerland 2020
ECOURBS - Opérationnaliser les écologies urbaines dans le projet urbain 2020
Inventory of wine tourism in Valais 2020 >
European Commons and Biodiversity 2019-2025
A multi-level study of how youth are engaging with conservation, through governance 2019-2024
Geomorphological landscapes as a tourist resource 2019-2024
Knowledge2Action in South Asia: Environmental Sustainability and Social Well-being 2019-2024
The role of commons in tourism and territorial development 2019-2024
Wine tourism and territorial development in Valais 2019-2024
FluidGov - Towards a “fluid” governance: hydrosocial analysis of flood paradigms and management practices in Rhone and Ganges basins (India, France and Switzerland) 2019-2023
Tree planting in Scotland 2019-2023
Paris 2024, Los Angeles 2028: A turnaround for the Olympics after the crisis? 2019-2022
“Localising” Quinoa: Framing and Farming Quinoa in the Canton of Vaud. 2019
Mountains in transition(s) 2019 >
When ecology goes to town. Imaginaries, production and effectiveness of urban ecology in Switzerland. 2018-2022
Challenges of municipal solid waste management: Learning from post-crisis governance initiatives in South Asia 2018-2020
The knowledge of power: environmental education and the public understanding of energy 2018-2020
The practice of electrically-assisted cycling in Lausanne 2018-2019
Assessing the ‘nature' of a ‘forest transition' in Vietnam: ecosystem services and social-ecological resilience in locally managed forest landscapes 2017-2023
Making, being and becoming rat: Rethinking the city's relationship with nature 2017-2022
Taking care of heating, ventilation and air conditioning in times of energy transition: or how repair and maintenance shape energy infrastructures 2017-2021
Tourism and the changing heritage: case study of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces World Heritage site 2017-2021
Mobile and non-mobile young Swiss adults : prevalence, motivations, and barriers of temporary mobilities 2017-2020
Ticino's evolving identity in the process of globalisation: a geo-philosophical approach 2017-2020
Active mobility & health 2017-2019
Be an urban planner in French-speaking Switzerland. Description of a changing professional field 2017-2019
Mega-events as urban interventions: growth and impacts 2017-2019
The Lausanne migrant association engagement between permanence and innovation 2017-2019
MobCampus : Mobility practices of UNIL students and employees 2017
SIRIUS : Swiss Indian Research program on the globalization of the Indian Urban Systems 2017
Imagining new ways of being through travel and tourism : Black Germans on tour 2016-2021
"Fanatic Energy in the Wrong Places": Potemkin Neoliberalism and Domestic Soft Power in the 2018 Men's Football World Cup in Russia 2016-2019
Hazardous planning: improvising the Olympics 2016-2019
The making of energoculture. The politics of cultural projects in the energy sector 2016-2017
Who governs water-related risks in large metropolis? Characterizing governance patterns of drought in Sao Paulo. 2016
Assessing Jessour in South-East Tunisia 2016 >
Travel, meditation and self-transformation? An ethnography of Buddhist retreat tourism in the Indian Himalayas 2016 >
Sport tourism : a playful and multidimensional practice of space 2015-2020
The politics of sustaining tuna, fisheries and livelihoods in the Western Indian Ocean. A marine political ecology perspective 2015-2020
LOGIICCS : Likelihood of Orientations of the Global Integration of Indian and Chinese Cities' Systems 2015-2018
MEDIUM : New pathways for sustainable urban development in China's medium-sized cities 2015-2018
Driving licence and young adults 2015-2016
IES - Indicators and rivers' health situation 2015-2016
Oenotourism in the Valais 2015-2016
What levers to act on urban mobility? 2015-2016
Wine tourism on the ground: Experiences from China, California, Bordeaux, Alentejo, Burgenland, Stellebosch and Valais 2015-2016
Economic integration of metropolitan networks in space Rhône-Alpes / Bassin Lémanique 2015
Practices of Disconnection in Banff National Park 2015 >
Rural Tourism and Local Perceptions of Change 2015 >
Living in a car-free housing 2014-2019
Cycling as a tool for empowerment 2014-2017
Access for citizen-consumers to decisions relating to the sustainability of food systems 2014-2016
Powers and attractiveness of the Aix-Marseille Provence metropolis in multinational firms' networks 2014-2015
Contribution of gamification in the smartphone applications development for geotourism 2013-2018
Water uses monitoring in alpine territories 2013-2018
ESPPACE project: Evaluation and monitoring for participatory processes in river management 2013-2016
MULTIPLEX 2013-2016
Re-thinking Zones 2013-2016
Urban Agriculture in Switzerland : definition and governance 2013-2016
ICCARE-Vaud - Impacts of climatic and anthropogenic changes on the water resources of the Vaud canton [2013-2014] 2013-2014
Integrated Water Resources Management in Switzerland: A Reflexive Analysis 2013-2014
Position of the Paris metropolis in the network of multinational firms 2013-2014
BaSES (Learning and application of basic knowledge in economic and social sciences) 2013
Integrated Water Resources Management in federal countries 2012-2017
A weed by any other name? Comparing local knowledge and uses of environmental weeds around the Indian Ocean 2012-2016
COST Action Urban agriculture in Europe 2012-2016
Large-scale land acquisitions and sustainable soil management 2012-2016
Small cities, urban environments and governance in India 2012-2015
Position and attractiveness of Paris for multinational firms networks 2012-2013
Permafrost - Bagnes 2012
Territorial marketing: crossed viewpoints in Russia and Switzlerand 2012
2012 >
GeodiverCity 2011-2016
Payments for environmental services and socio-political embededdness. Case study in the Los negros region (Bolivia) 2011-2016
Responsive Forest Governance Initiative 2011-2016
Small-scale irrigation development and rural economy transformations in the Sahel 2011-2016
INSITE - Innovation sustainability Technology 2011-2015
Between Abyss and Metamorphosis: an interdisciplinary approch to the development of tourist resorts 2011-2015
Globalisation of tourism. The extension of the touristic ecumene between 1800 and 2000. 2011-2015
Creating new urban spaces 2011-2012
Environmental Change, Governance and Politics in Small Cities in Kerala, India 2011
Environmental Change, Governance and Politics in Small North Indian Cities 2011
Periurban land, power struggles and decentralization at the margin of the city in Niamey/Niger 2010-2016
A philosophy for the anthropocene 2010-2015
Urban water and governmentality in Switzerland (1850-2010) 2010-2015
Cartography and process geomorphology of torrential systems of Hérens Valley (Suisse) 2010-2013
MontanAqua – Approaching water stress in the Alps. Water management options in the Crans-Montana-Sierre Region (Valais) 2010-2013
Social and economic analysis of the Gated communities in Moscow (Russia) 2010-2012
DATAR- Comparative analysis European cities 2010-2011
Employability and transitional markets. Which are the practices in Switzerland and Europe? 2010-2011
Regional integration in the Atlantic Region of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Rep. of Congo and Central African Republic 2010-2011
Social data atlas of the Canton Valais 2010-2011
2010 >
Risk, territory and formal/informal practices in the environmental, social, cultural and political context in Guatemala 2009-2014
The spatial impact of transport infrastructures on the « in- between » spaces development 2009-2014
Flood risk management in two Moroccan watersheds: Fès and Beni Mellal 2009-2013
Maps to fight floods. Method developed in Morocco 2009-2013
ANR Harmonie-cités 2009-2012
Glacial heritage of Chablais region 2009-2012
Analysis of needs and services in support of persons dependent on illicit drugs and alcohol in the canton of Fribourg 2009-2011
Dynamic web-mapping of the inventory of geosites of national signifiance 2009-2011
Land management for urban dynamics 2009-2011
Florissant tomorrow 2009-2010
2009 >
Hydrogeomorphology and palaeoenvironment in the upstream of Lake Geneva Rhône River valley 2009 >
Ecology and freedom: liberalism versus republicanism 2008-2014
Artificial snowmaking and water resources in mid-altitude mountain areas. The case of Chablais (France, Switzerland) 2008-2012
Visual media for geomorphologic heritage interpretation 2008-2012
Distribution and structure of permafrost in alpine talus slopes 2008-2011
ESPON -FOCI Future orientation of Cities 2008-2011
Stratigraphy, morphodynamics, palaeoenvironments of the steep sedimentary terrains of the alpine periglacial domain 2008-2011
Hydro-geomorphologic hazards in alpine catchments under uncertainty and climate change perspective 2008-2010
Geosciences and knowledge transfer to a wide audience 2007-2012
Evolution of the wineyard landscapes in Valais 2007-2008
Geotourist promotion of Tsanfleuron-Sanetsch region 2007-2008
Permafrost-Vaud 2007-2008
2007 >
Urban Governance and Sustainable Neighbourhoods 2006-2012
Building an Equitable City An in itinere Analysis of the Urban Public Project Management of the Carré de Soie (Greater Lyon) 2006-2011
Inventory of Swiss geosites 2006 >
Conservation landscape histories 2005-2025
The role of socio-political parameters and of knowledge in the management of hydrological risks 2004-2010
Analysis, modelling and visualisation of spatiotemporal data for urban development 2004-2009
Impacts of floods in Switzerland 2004-2008
Regionalization and regional policies in the Swiss Alps: strategies and perspectives based upon the example of the canton of Valais. 2003-2008
Reconstitution of fluvial landscapes of the Swiss Rhone river 2002 >
Assessment and inventories of geomorphosites 2001 >
Institutional water management in Switzerland 2000 >
The Valais water channels (bisses) 1994 >
Water management in mountain tourist resorts 1992-1999
Governance of Cocoa Land-use Systems for Sustainable Socio-Ecological Transformation in the Asunafo-North of Ghana ?
Political ecology of a river: Indo-Swiss exploration of hydrosocial dynamics in the lower stretch of the Ganges ?
SNSF R4d project “Challenges of municipal solid waste management: Learning from post-crisis governance initiatives in South Asia” ?